The Team

Studyweek Freiburg

Our Team

We are seven tourism students located in Chur, Grisons. Join us on our journey!

Serena Rossetti

Project Leader
Business Partner Coordinator

Europa-Park and Freiburg are two important German tourist destinations, which I am very motivated to visit and research.

Salome Wunderlich

Project Deputy
Design & Layout Manager
Destination Research Deputy

I have already been to Freiburg a few times and to Europa-Park. However, I have never visited these two destinations together.

Dominik Manser

Risk & Time Management
Website Deputy

I have been to the Europa-Park several times, but I never went to Freiburg. I’m very interested in seeing how big the influence between the Europa Park and Freiburg is.

Malin Zängerle

Marketing Manager
Language & Content deputy

The Europa-Park has been a popular holiday destination in my family for a long time, however I have never visited Freiburg. Because of my own experiences with just one of those two destinations, I am interested in how they directly influence each other.

Máté Kovács

Workload Manager
Head of Finance

I am involved in this project as an exchange student, unfortunately we don’t have a similar object at home. So, I am interested in the whole process and the implementation. I’m looking forward to exploring Freiburg and the Europa-Park.

Saara Silvennoinen

Marketing Deputy
Destination Research Manager

I have never been to Germany before so I’m very excited to finally go there and explore both Freiburg and Europa-Park.

Séverine Manser

Quality Manager
Business Partner Deputy
Language & Content Manager

During our project, we will have the chance to meet and interview our business partners. I am looking forward to hearing about their experiences with the two destinations Freiburg and Europa-Park and learning from their expertise.

Our Lecturers

Patric Arn

Module Leader

Frank Bumann

Accompaying Lecturer